Thursday, July 01, 2004

Saddam, Ted Kennedy, Robert Byrd -- soulmates

See this AP story about Saddam's comments to the tribunal that will conduct his trial.

The gems included:

-- "The deposed dictator fixed the judge with a penetrating stare and declared: 'This is all a theater by Bush, the criminal.'"

-- "'The judicial system in Iraq always represents the will of the people,' he said. 'You should not work according to the law of the occupying forces; these are invading forces.'"

-- "'How could Saddam be tried over Kuwait, [which] said it will reduce Iraqi women to 10-dinar prostitutes?' Saddam asked, referring to himself in the third person. 'He defended Iraq's honor and revived its historical rights over those dogs.'"

Saddam sounds a lot like Robert Byrd, Ted Kennedy, Al Gore and Baghdad Jim McDermott. Will publicizing Saddam's trial, and his repeated ramblings like those above, blowback against the Democrats? I hope so.

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