Friday, August 06, 2004

Spinsanity on Kerry's enlistment

Spinsanity is a non-partisan blog that examines the arguments proffered by politicians, columnists, public affairs folks, etc. on major issues. There are three main contributors, one is slightly rightist, one slightly left, and one basically dead-on moderate. Last night, Brendan Nyhan examined the distortions of John Kerry's military record, and more importantly, Kerry's motivations in seeking a Swift boat command.

In his speech to the Democratic convention, vice presidential nominee Senator John Edwards, D-NC, was the latest figure to distort John Kerry's service record in Vietnam:

When John Kerry graduated college, he volunteered for military service. He volunteered to go to Vietnam and to captain a swift boat, one of the most dangerous duties you could have. And as a result he was wounded and honored for his valor.
Like many others who have made the same claim, Edwards' implication is misleading. As Chris Suellentrop pointed out on Slate, Kerry volunteered for swift boat duty before it became so dangerous. Here's how the Boston Globe recounted the story in its multi-part series on Kerry:

Kerry initially hoped to continue his service at a relatively safe distance from most fighting, securing an assignment as "swift boat" skipper. While the 50-foot swift boats cruised the Vietnamese coast a little closer to the action than the Gridley had come, they were still considered relatively safe.
"I didn't really want to get involved in the war," Kerry said in a little-noticed contribution to a book of Vietnam reminiscences published in 1986. "When I signed up for the swift boats, they had very little to do with the war. They were engaged in coastal patrolling and that's what I thought I was going to be doing."

The Swift boat mission changed after Kerry signed up. It is to his credit that he received two decorations for valor but he wasn't going to Vietnam with the intention of being in the thickest fighting.

Note that links to the articles cited in the Spinsanity piece are in the original.

Hat tip: Just One Minute

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