Friday, August 06, 2004

Follow-up re: Swift vet ad

From Instapundit and others: the lawyers for the Democratic National Committee are threatening to sue any TV station that accepts the Swift vet ad. The DNC must think this is a devastating ad, although I've said I don't think it is because all it does is contain a bunch of Swift boat vets claiming that Kerry lied with no other proof.

Judy Woodruff interviewed two Vietnam vets on her show: one was saved by Kerry in a firefight, the other was on another Swift boat during the same firefight and claims Kerry's boat fled. The incident described is the one for which Kerry received a Bronze Star. I doubt the anti-Kerry guy -- he's had opportunity and reason to tell this story at least four times in the past (when Kerry ran for Senator) and never did. Cowardice is a disqualifier for Senators too.

The Bush campaign is playing this right: emphasize that they do not question Kerry's service or heroism, make clear that this is the efforts of people unconnected to the campaign, and watch carefully as Kerry reacts -- or overreacts in the case of trying to stifle the media buy by the Swifties (which gives them even more publicity).

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