Monday, August 02, 2004

Not a serious party

On CNN Howard Dean questioned whether the Bush Administration had issued the terror warning for political reasons. On Fox News, the Democrat hack arguing point/counterpoint with C. Boyden Gray pushed the "Bush lied us into Iraq" nonsense.

Which lie was that? The Niger-uranium lie that has since been conclusively proven true? The "imminent threat" lie that is actually a complete fabrication by Democrats because the President said that we could NOT wait until a threat became imminent before we acted? Or was it the WMD lie, which was uttered by the French, Germans, Russians, Brits, UN and every foreign policy player in the Clinton Administration?

The Dems have been so Clintonized by 8 years of that fat redneck playing politics with his presidency that they cannot even think straight. The mendacity of the Democrats boggles the mind.

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