Monday, August 02, 2004


USA Today reports that Kerry not only did not get a "bounce" in the polls from the Democratic convention, but he LOST GROUND to Pres. Bush. The pollster = Gallup, sponsored by USA Today and CNN. Here's the key result:

In the survey, taken Friday and Saturday, Bush led Kerry 50%-46% among likely voters. Independent candidate Ralph Nader was at 2%.

The survey showed Kerry losing 1 percentage point and Bush gaining 4 percentage points from a poll taken the week before the Boston convention.

The results are within the margin of error, but a no-bounce Democratic convention had not occurred since 1972.

AND AN UPDATE ON THE NEWSWEEK POLL that showed a (very, very, very, very) modest bounce for Kerry: it was over-weighted with Democrats!

Hat-tip: Man Without Qualities.

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