Sunday, August 01, 2004

Baby Bounce

Outside the Beltway notes that Newsweek found only a four-point bounce for Kerry after the Democrats' quadrennial circus; Zogby found none, according to DRUDGE (link taken down since he initially posted it). Why not?

One, Kerry is simply the dullest man to run for the presidency since Mike Dukakis.

Two, Kerry is an empty suit: he is nothing except the embodiment of Bush-hatred that is among the most dishonorable reactions to the policies of a President (when this country has troops in combat zones) in the history of the US. The feelings Bush engenders in Democrats is more negative than the feelings most Confederates had for Lincoln. This man spend 26 SECONDS in his speech on his Senate career. Why? Because even Kerry supporter Al Hunt realizes that Kerry is a middling (at best) Senator.

Three, Kerry received NO hosannahs from the most important singers in his amen chorus: NBC, CBS (other than Byron Pitts, who loves Kerry more than Theresa does), the NY Times, the Washington Post, The New Republic, and Slate.

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