Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Iraq and al-Qaeda = all part of a war on terrorism

I've noted time and again the contacts between Saddam's Iraq and terrorism. Indeed, Saddam used Oil-for-Food funding to give money to al-Qaeda, supported al-Qaeda in exchange for its pledge not to attack Iraq (see here too, quoting the indictment of al-Qaeda by the Clinton Justice Dept.), was involved in the first WTC attack in 1993, supported Palestinian suicide bombers, sought to blow up the Radio Free Europe offices in Prague and had members of the Iraqi "diplomatic corps" help arrange and sit in on the 9-11-01 attack planning meeting in Kuala Lumpur (see title link).

What part of any of this renders the war in Iraq separate from the overarching war against Islamofascist terrorism that the US also fought in Afghanistan?


Thus, as Andy McCarthy shows, Pres. Bush was right to link 9-11-01 and the Iraq conflict last night.

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