Monday, October 04, 2004

Does substance matter?

That's what Mark Levin wants to know (link in title). Does what Kerry actually said in the debate matter or is the debate only about his appearance and manner? Because if what Kerry said actually matters, he will send this country into an economic and foreign policy abyss if he is elected in November.

Meanwhile, Captain Ed fisks Kerry's policy toward Iran and wonders if the fact that three prominent Kerry fundraisers are pro-normalization (i.e., pro-mullahcracy) has anything to do with Kerry's suggestion that we enable Iran's nuclear ambitions and trust the mullahs not to try to blow Israel to smithereens. Here is one article about the three fundraisers, by Kenneth Timmerman, a top journalist on nuclear proliferation and the regimes that seek to develop the bomb. The Captain bases his post, in part, on the Timmerman article but also has more information on these theocratic sympathizers.

Nice to see that Kerry is following in Clinton's footsteps by allowing people who amount to agents of foreign governments to purchase his foreign policy stances. September 11 must have been a collective nightmare, not a reality, for Kerry to sell himself so cheap.

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