Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Dairyland Defrauded

Did the Democrats defraud Wisconsin voters of their ACTUAL choice for President by rigging the election in Milwaukee by gaming the system? The statistical evidence alone is compelling (see link in title), and made more so by the fact that Wisconsin (and Minnesota) both allow the fraudathon that is Same-Day Registration. Bush lost key Dem strongholds in Wisco by more than he lost in 2000, yet his overall Wisco "loss" to Kerry was smaller than the margin by which he lost to Gore in 2000 AND trends both nationwide and Wisconsin-wide showed Bush gaining ground compared to his 2000 performance.

The Democrat carping about Ohio (and Florida from 2000, but that's a different story) is pure rubbish. Bush won Ohio by more than 100,000 votes, the "long lines" that allegedly "deterred voters" were in Democratically run election districts -- if the Dems are too chintzy to shell out the cash for more voting booths/machines, that's their problem. If the voters do not take the obligation and right to vote seriously enough to wait out the lines, that's the voters' own fault.

But the REALITY of 10,000 unverifiable same-day votes in one city, Milwaukee, in a state that Bush "lost" by only 11,000+ votes strongly indicates something amiss. So do both the 69.7% voter turnout among Milwaukee County adults, compared to the 60% turnout nationwide among REGISTERED voters; and the 32% increase in votes cast from 1996-2004 in Milwaukee County despite the 4-5% DROP in population.

Maybe it's not the cheese that smells funny in Wisco.

For more, check out El Capitan here and here, and the Wisco-based Boots and Sabers blog.

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