Thursday, January 12, 2006

Steven Erikson SPEAKS . . . online

A few of my semi-regular readers (and no, that is not a euphemistic phrase) have a strong affinity for the Malazan Book of the Fallen series by Steven Erikson. Book #6 comes out later this year in Canada and the UK (go to my Amazon link and switch to the Canadian or UK websites for Amazon to order). Erikson completed The Bonehunters last spring (he's in the UK, so that means April/May, not late-January or early Feb. for us TexansfromNewYork). As a sop to his US publisher, Tor, which is three books behind, the UK/Canada publishers delayed The Bonehunters' release until this year.

Patrick, the blogger who runs Pat's Fantasy Hotlist, interviewed Erikson by email and posted the whole exchange on his website (link in title). Erikson stated that he's midway through writing book 7 and that the whole series is pretty much mapped out. Unlike Martin and Jordan, Erikson seems to see the conclusion AND the various set-ups all at once.

A solid, occasionally revealing and often interesting interview.

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