Monday, January 23, 2006

Fame by association

Monk classmate Lucy Dalglish is quoted in Opinion Journal today as James Taranto reviews what disasters the press continues to reap from its idiotic fixation with the revelation of Valerie "I've not been undercover for at least six years so disclosure of my identity is legal" Plame's name.

The problem for the journos? Scooter Libby's defense team wants their notes and their testimony:

Newsday's Timothy Phelps, in an article for Columbia Journalism Review, notes that whereas the reporters who testified for the prosecution did so "mostly under agreements restricting their testimony to very specific issues," Libby's lawyers "are not bound by such agreements." If called by the defense, the reporters' case for immunity from testifying--which the courts have rejected anyhow--is even weaker than it was when dealing with the prosecution. After all, Libby has a fundamental constitutional right to a fair trial.

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