Friday, January 27, 2006

On Blogging

Since we have gone public about our desire to enlist a third blogger, let me share some thoughts.

It's fun, cathartic, addicting and, yes, time-consuming. You'll find yourself becoming a news junkie and remarkably up to date on events. It will also concentrate your mind on an ongoing basis -- exercising that 'grey matter' as a famed, fictional Belgian detective so vividly described it. I'm no diarist in any way so TKM is in some ways my diary. It's a roadmap of my thoughts and ideas and a bit of a reference too.

Ideas are important, good ideas are treasures, bad ones are, well, remarkably dangerous. Monk and I don't agree on everything but we are proud Americans, pro Israel, pro The Republic of China, pro free speech and deeply respectful of the Judeo-Christian heritage of this nation. We loathe political correctness, post modernism, socialism and communism. And, of course, the Boston Red Sox. Our readers will have seen these sentiments reflected in our posts over time. While our readership is modest we hope we have done some good during our existence in helping to shape opinions on important issues of the day. We value comments and will respond to the great majority of them, even from the moonbats. As Monk says, you don't have to agree with us but we'd want you to be intellectually rigorous and honest and have a reasonably open mind.

We live in interesting times and what we do here, in a small way, is try to have an impact. Not to be trite or to compare ourselves to our betters but if it were not for blogs like Little Green Footballs and Powerline Dan Rather and CBS may have brought down a President during a very, very serious time.

And, of course we also try to have a bit of fun.

This has been and is a labor of love.

By the way, having known him for a quarter century Monk is just as cuddly as he sounds :)

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