Friday, March 18, 2005

Picking up on the Liberal Threat to Speech Meme

Today, we have some notables picking up on Ryan Sagar's piece in the NY Post that I mentioned yesterday -- how a double handful of liberal political foundations funneled $100,000,000+ into campaign finance reform and convinced Congress to enact it with false data, trumped up claims and misleading statements.

Tom Maguire's Just One Minute is linked above.

Day by Day, the Right's Doonesbury, mentions it here:

And I think that I found the George Will column Sagar mentioned in his article, and which Maguire was looking for. Here's Sagar's mention:
"We had a scare," [Sean] Treglia [who coordinated the Pew Charitable Trusts' effort] says. "As the debate was progressing and getting pretty close, George Will stumbled across a report that we had done and attacked it in his column. And a lot of his partisans were becoming aware of Pew's role and were feeding him information. And he started to reference the fact that Pew had played a large role in this — that this was a liberal attempt to hoodwink Congress."

Check it out.

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