Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Anti - America, Anti - Democracy


Amir Taheri takes anti-war 'protestors' who are getting ready to protest the second anniversary of the liberation of Iraq to task.

...I spent part of last week ringing up the organisers of the anti-war events with a couple of questions. The first: Would they allow anyone from the newly elected Iraqi parliament to address the gatherings? The second: Would the marches include expressions of support for the democracy movements in Arab and other Muslim countries, notably Iraq, Lebanon and Syria?

In both cases the answer was a categorical no, accompanied by a torrent of abuse about "all those who try to justify American aggression against Iraq".

But was it not possible to condemn "American aggression" and then express support for the democratic movement in Iraq and the rest of the Arab world? In most cases we were not even allowed to ask the question.

Taheri deftly exposes some unpleasant truths about the Far Left. They are so driven by hate - hate of America, hate of the Great Serpent Bush - that they cannot even countenance the stirrings of democracy in the Middle East. This encompassing hatred also precludes any reasonable or sane discussion - 'a torrent of abuse'.

Occasionally I troll through some of the comments at DailyKos or Democratic Underground and there are some very unpleasant folks there who will even have a go at each other for very little reason. The tone of those comments differ from that of the general commentary at LGF, for example. You look at some of these rants [and the signs at their rallies] and you wonder "Are these folks in favor of anything?" [Outside of Death to BushCheneyRumsfeld]

Why are so many Westerners, living in mature democracies, ready to march against the toppling of a despot in Iraq but unwilling to take to the streets in support of the democratic movement in the Middle East?

Is it because many of those who will be marching in support of Saddam Hussein this month are the remnants of totalitarian groups in the West plus a variety of misinformed idealists and others blinded by anti-Americanism? Or is it because they secretly believe that the Arabs do not deserve anything better than Saddam Hussein?

If you won't do any good, just get the hell out of the way.

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