Monday, July 11, 2005

What did Rove say?

The media feeding frenzy on the news that White House strategist Karl Rove was Newsweek's reporter Matthew Cooper's 'source' on the Valerie Plame/Joseph Wilson kerfuffle is going to be breathtaking. A NYTimes op-ed is entitled "Worse than Watergate".

For you early risers, the folks at Powerline - who are all attorneys - have a good piece on the issue and whether Rove violated any laws (not even close). Click link for the piece but here are what I think are the two key points:

From the Newsweek article:

In a brief conversation with Rove, [TIme reporer Matthew] Cooper asked what to make of the flap over Wilson's criticisms. NEWSWEEK obtained a copy of the e-mail that Cooper sent his bureau chief after speaking to Rove. (The e-mail was authenticated by a source intimately familiar with Time's editorial handling of the Wilson story, but who has asked not to be identified because of the magazine's corporate decision not to disclose its contents.) Cooper wrote that Rove offered him a "big warning" not to "get too far out on Wilson." Rove told Cooper that Wilson's trip had not been authorized by "DCIA"—CIA Director George Tenet—or Vice President Dick Cheney. Rather, "it was, KR said, wilson's wife, who apparently works at the agency on wmd [weapons of mass destruction] issues who authorized the trip."

From Powerline's Scott Johnson:

SCOTT adds: Hilail Gildin writes: "Andrea Mitchell was asked, on MSNBC, whether it was generally known to news people, before the hullabaloo, that Ms. Plame worked for the CIA. She answered, somewhat reluctantly, that it was. In the light of this, I don't understand the ensuing fuss."

If it was well known that Valerie Plame/Wilson worked for the CIA, than what was disclosed?

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