Thursday, March 02, 2006

Medal of Dishonor for UW

The Student Senate at the University of Washington disgraced itself last week when it voted narrowly NOT to honor Colonel Gregory "Pappy" Boyington, a Marine ace who shot down 28 enemy aircraft in the Pacific in World War II and received the nation's highest military award, the Congressional Medal of Honor.

Most of my generation might remember Robert Conrad's portrayal of him in Baa Baa Black Sheep. Boyington was shot down in January 1944 and spent 20 months at the notorious Camp Ofuna in Japan.

James Thayer writes an excellent summary of Boyington's career and the UWash disgrace at the Weekly Standard.

It seems that one primary objection of effete student senators was Boyington "killed" people.

Boyington sure did--in a monumental war against one of the great evils of the 20th century. Did any of these students remember Pearl Harbor, Bataan, or Nanking?

One senator, Ashley Miller, didn't want to honor 'another rich white man.'

Boyington, who battled alcoholism and was never wealthy, was part Sioux.

Another senator, Jill Edwards, "didn't believe a member of the Marine Corps was an example of the sort of person UW wanted to produce." That's lovely, Jill. I'm glad she's not defending us.

Boyington might not have been an all-American Boy Scout but by God, he was the type of man we want defending home and hearth.

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