Thursday, February 02, 2006

Inverse correlation: the Hillary exposure dilemma

Dick Morris has an interesting observation: the public likes Hillary Clinton when it hears from her LESS. Hated her in 1992 after the cookies remark, hated her in '93 when she took on HillaryCare, liked her when she went on her "listening tour" through New York. More from Morris:

. . . toward the end of last year, she emerged with both guns blazing, attacking President Bush on Hurricane Katrina, race, poverty, tax cuts, homeland security, the Patriot Act, judicial nominations and, pardon the chutzpah, ethics! Even as her husband basked in the aura of the Bushes, senior and junior, Hillary was out there giving the president hell.

* * *
But the consequences are all too obvious in her poll numbers. According to the most recent Gallup poll, 52 percent of Americans say they would never vote for Hillary and her popularity comes in a distinct second among possible female candidates to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. The more vocal she gets, the more her ratings drop.

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