Monday, May 24, 2004

Gonzo goes bonkers again

Hunter S. Thompson is always described as a gonzo journalist. What that essentially means is that he's an acid-dropping hippie-era retread who made his money and fame while under the influence of synthetically enhanced substances. For some unknown reason, ESPN hired him as a "sports" columnist -- probably because the idiots at ESPN are so drunk off their own sense of ESPN as a cultural phenomenon that they believe sports now needs the deranged rantings from a man perpetually suffering LSD flashbacks.

How else do you explain this statement that initially passed muster before Drudge picked up on it:

Hunter S. Thompson's ESPN column was scrubbed of controversy late Monday afternoon when online editors worried the famed gonzo journalist had gone too far.

In a column entitled, "Let's Go to the Olympics," Thompson went off on the Abu Ghraib prison picture scandal, exclaiming: "Not even the foulest atrocities of Adolf Hitler ever shocked me so badly as these [Abu Ghraib] photographs did."

But after being linked to the DRUDGE REPORT, a top editor demanded the sentence be immediately edited --without Thompson's okay, according to an staffer.

Thompson, Susan Sontag, Barbara Kingsolver, Alice Walker, E.L. Doctorow, Noam Chomsky, John Pilger, Ted Rall and Robert Scheer (to name but a few) are so far gone that it is amazing that (1) people think the way that they do; (2) they are not publicly derided for their views; (3) they are not viewed as evil. But all these folks are objectively evil, because if you exalt abuse of tens of prisoners as more horrible than the Nazi regime, if you excuse the depradations of Ho Chi Minh (Sontag/Chomsky), Pol Pot (Chomsky), Stalin, Saddam (Pilger, Scheer, Rall, Kingsolver), Osama (Chomsky, Sontag, Kingsolver, Walker, Doctorow) and if you believe that Israel's treatment of Palestinians is equivalent on any scale and in any manner to the treatment of Jews under the Nazi regime, you are objectively evil.

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