Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Cheney speech reaction

I saw most of this whilst the Monkette2B was talking with her momma. I like Cheney. After eight years of Clinton, Cheney reminded the US that an actual adult could be in the White House, and had worked in one before (Ford and Reagan Administration). Plus, he's tougher than anyone the Democrats have on their side.

Cheney personifies the grim determination aspect of what the US must do in the next few years as it takes further steps to eliminate the terror threat. He is serious, intelligent and has a full grasp of reality unlike Edwards. He carved up Lieberman in the 2000 debate; he carved Kerry tonight. The text of the speech is linked above.

Captain Ed thinks Cheney gave a good speech but that it lacked passion and inspiration in the delivery. That's fair, but Cheney doesn't need to be impassioned, he needs to be solid, stalwart, steady and calm. He is the "gravitas" -- that annoying characterization that is STILL a plus for Bush in comparison to the flip-flopping Kerry and the featherweight Edwards.

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